Welcome to Super Recoil!

We've been hard at work on Super Recoil for the past few months, and are finally ready to start revealing, teasing and sharing our progress with the world!

Super Recoil is a fast paced party platform shooter inspired by many games, including Super Smash Bros, Move or Die and Duck Game. Our goal is to create the kind of game that friends will be hooping and hollering about while sitting around a couch shooting each other in the face. 

The core game mechanic revolves around single shot weapons, which of course have large amounts of recoil. Each shot counts as players dash around levels shooting and throwing their guns in an attempt to be the last player standing.  We'll be aiming to post weekly updates each Saturday to show you what we've been working on. Read below for current screenshots, some work in progress music and some important links!

A relatively recent level and UI mockup, showing four players ready to fight it out for glory

A quick gif showing some basic destruction of a wooden door. Much more destruction to come!

Justin has been doing some great work with the initial soundtrack work. You can hear the current work in progress lobby/editor theme below.

About the Team

Triple Tea Time is currently three people - Mac (art, design), Andy(developer) and Justin (sfx and music).  

Mac's Twitter
Justin's Twitter

Important Links


We're planning on releasing a playable alpha demo in the coming weeks. The demo will feature many of our core features in a classic deathmatch gamemode. We'll continue developing the full game with player and community feedback from the demo, so be sure to check it out and join our Discord to be a part of making Super Recoil an awesome game!

Join the community on Discord to help shape the development of Super Recoil! - http://discord.gg/SUraRGW

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